IT Law Mannheim

The internet has transformed our society and has itself turned from a source of information to a medium to meet friends, purchase goods, pay bills, apply for jobs and many things more. However, the downside to this is that you may provide a great deal of personal information about yourself, often without being aware of it.

We provide expert advice on privacy and data protection and help defend you against data misuse.

We further provide expert advice on legal areas that are involved when doing business online, such as purchasing contracts, general contract law or intellectual property.

We can help you as a developer and programmer in aspects of IT law. We focus on the legal connections between IT law and other relevant laws. 

Aspects of IT Law in detail:

  • Illegal or improper advertisement
  • 'Online' IT law, in particular electronic business affairs
  • Online-banking
  • Domains
  • Law on competition
  • Trademarks
  • Privacy law
  • Intellectual property
  • IT contract law
  • Individual software contracts, service level agreements and general terms and conditions
  • Expert advice on planning and implementing IT projects

Your contact person
Elisabeth Saenz


(0621) 87507-0

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